Bonding your EPDM to walls or verticals

A step-by-step guide for when the EPDM on your roof abuts a vertical, such as brickwork. See Flat Roof Preparation Advice, which also helps to showcase how to prepare the wall or vertical abutment

Mostly, when bonding your the EPDM on your Flat Roof to a wall, it will be to brickwork, which we will use as guidance below. 

In other cases, these principles can be used in similar situations such as a rendered wall. Other situations, such as you have wall cladding, or bonding to a parapet wall, will have different guidelines.

Please get in touch for advice if you have more atypical surfaces to bond your Elevate EPDM to.

Step 1: Prepare your surface. Ensure the perimeter wall you are bonding to is clean, dry and free from dust. Where 

If bonding to a brick wall, choose a mortar line to chase out at least 25mm deep. This should ideally be around 150mm above your finished deck level.

Our team uses a grinder with a diamond mortar blade for this. You must use appropriate PPE for this. We also advise dust extraction. You will need to thoroughly clean this once chased out, hoovering and gently washing out debris.

Step 2: Identify & chalk the amount of EPDM which will bond to your vertical perimeter wall (so you don’t use too much adhesive).

Once your EPDM is folded back, use your Elevate bonding spray adhesive to spray apply an even coverage across your EPDM, the vertical abutment, and inside your chase.

Bonus tip: Make sure the spray is applied right into the corner to avoid any unmated areas.

Leave to go touch dry & tacky.

Step 3: Starting at the centre bottom, gently mate by smoothing your EPDM into position, working up the vertical. Take good care not to stretch your EPDM, or create wrinkles & pockets.

You can use your Silicon Rubber Roller & Penny Rollers to work the EPDM in for best bonding results.

Step 4: Once your EPDM is bonded right up to the start of your wall chase, using scissors, cut the excess EPDM leaving approx. 15-20mm to be folded into your chase. Fold the remaining EPDM into the chase using a flat tool without a sharp edge for this.

If you are bonding up to other verticals, such as skylights, you EPDM will not be dressed into a wall chase, only as high as is required.

Step 5: Complete any flashing detail where your roof terminates at the edges. See Detailing and flashing for more details.

Step 6: Now to fit your wall trim. Apply Bond & Seal to the back of your wall trim, then place into position, with the small L-shaped lip going into your chase, on top of the EPDM.

We advise Securing the wall trim in place with wall plugs & Delux fastenings with rubber washers. Spaced at 600mm centres.

Step 7: Thoroughly seal your chase with sealant, providing a neat a finish as possible.

Some other vertical situations:

Sometimes you the wall you are bonding to can be a parapet wall, or have some form of cladding. 

If either of these wall abutments is with 150mm of your finished deck height, you will need to follow Step 1 (Parapet Walls) or Step 2 (Cladded Walls). If there is a clean wall chase you can bond up and into beneath your parapet or cladding, you should be fine with previous steps, providing there is no water route behind your wall bonding.

Step 1: Temporarily remove & store your coping stones. Take care as these may be heavy.

Ensure the vertical wall and top of the parapet are thoroughly cleaned & dry.

Bonded your EPDM up & onto the parapet, covering half of the parapets depth (follow previous steps for how to bond the EPDM).

Then recement your coping stones into position.

Step 2: You will need to temporarily remove enough rows of cladding, to allow the cladding to overlap the bonded EPDM by 150mm.

Once temporarily removed, bond the EPDM up your wall vertical (into a chase if possible).

Then, resecure any battens & cladding. This correct overlap will ensure no driving rain ingress or capillary action of water ingress.