Processing the order:
After your order has been placed, a member of our team will process it, & provide a dispatch notice, including an estimated delivery date. Sometimes delivery may take 2-3 weeks & so a member of our team will provide any updates when necessary.
The delivery of your steel framed building will arrive in kit-form, with everything prefabricated ready to put together. For buildings which are not currently in stock, or none 'off-the-shelf' items, delivery will take approximately 2-3 weeks to be manufactured & delivered. 'Off-the-shelf' items & in stock ready, will take approximately 3-5 days for delivery.
The delivery of your steel framed building will be carefully packaged & will be delivered via a courtier network. You must be present for the delivery, & be prepared with the necessary person(s) to assist the lifting of the delivery. Not all courier trucks include tail lifts & pallet trolleys.
Your delivery will be kerbside only. All items are checked diligently & signed off before being sent for delivery. It is therefore mandatory to be present for delivery to inspect your products & sign delivery notes.
Some of the prefabricated panels may be heavy: Use the necessary amount of persons required to safely handle the items, which will include handling & offloading from delivery. Use proper lifting technique. Do not take risks, we cannot be liable for any personal injury resulting from handling of the delivery.
Starting the project:
We strongly advise not arranging any contractors/team members to begin works before the delivery has been completed & items inspected. Sometimes delays are unavoidable & we cannot be held responsible for any losses resulting from delayed delivery. Note: Preparing a level concrete base for example, before starting the project, is a good idea.