Fibreglass joins

A step by step guide for when your EPDM roof joins to a fibreglass roof.

Step 1: Initially, ensure your EPDM is bonded to your timber deck right up to the fibreglass roof abutment.

Additionally, if the roofs are at different heights, ensure the EPDM is bonded to the vertical as seen in the guide EPDM to walls and verticals.

Step 2: Use a cleaner (aerosol cleaner – we can supply), or some warm soapy water, & thoroughly clean the fibreglass you will be bonding to – all grime must be removed. You will be bonding to at least 150mm, so clean at least this much.

Next, using a wire brush or something similar, gently key the fibreglass and be sure to remove any sharp edges which could penetrate your flashing.

Clean again and dry the area.

Step 3: Allow for 75mm overlap of your EPDM onto the fibreglass. Bond this with your Firestone Elevate Bonding Spray Adhesive. The instructions on how to apply this are also seen on EPDM to walls & verticals

Step 4: Once the EPDM is bonded, cut 6’’ quick seam flashing tape to length & place to the side ready. Your flashing will bond 75mm onto your EPDM & 75mm onto the fibreglass.

You therefore should chalk a straight line approx. 170mm wide, allowing for 85mm (an extra 10mm) per side.

Step 5: Using your Quickscrub holder & pad, apply an even layer of Quickprimer Plus within the chalked area, leave to go touch-dry.

Step 6: Starting from one side, smoothly apply your 6’’ flashform in a straight, neat line, peeling off the paper as your go. Ensure there are no air pockets as you work it in. Keeping your flashing tape relatively taut without stretching will assist with this.

Your flashing tape will bridge both sides 75mm, 10mm from your chalk line. Use your Silicone Rubber Roller & Renny Roller to work in the flashing.

Bonus tip: As an extra precaution, apply a single, neat line of Firestone Elevate Lap Sealant to where the flashing tape meets the fibreglass.

Final tip: This method of flashing will work on many other types of roof abutments, such as car ports (polycarbonate), concrete & metal sheeting. Always ensure the substrate your bonding to is thoroughly clean and dry.