Laying your EPDM

EXCERPT: A step-by-step guide to bonding your Elevate EPDM rubber to your decking.

A step-by-step guide to laying & bonding your Elevate EPDM rubber to your decking.

Firstly, ensure your roof is prepared correctly (see Roof preparation tips). Your deck must be clean and dry.

Additionally, before installing your EPDM, install the backplate only of your gutter roofing edge trim (see here)

Step 1: Lay out your EPDM, ensuring correct overhang on all sides. Allow to relax for at least 1 hour (if not already done so). This may take longer in cold conditions.

Bonus tip: Sometimes your EPDM may have fold or β€˜crease’ lines in from transportation, storage or colder temperatures. Using a heat gun (pro hair dryer) on your EPDM can help these to settle. Don’t heat one area for too long or touch the nozzle to anything.

Step 2: Neatly fold back one half of your rubber, which may be in multiple folds depending on size. Double check the deck is clean and free of debris (soft broom or leaf blower), 

Proceed to apply an even coat of water-based deck adhesive, using your 9’’ roller. Don’t roll too aggressively and cause splashes. Work from the furthest spot you’re gluing to, back towards your EPDM fold.

Bonus tip 1: Mix your water-based adhesive with a paddle or disposable clean stick for best results. Coverage rate is approximately 1L per 4sqm.

Bonus tip 2: In hotter temperatures, your glue will dry quicker & you may need to consider gluing in smaller sections, rather than 2 halves. 

Additionally, do not use water-based adhesive if below 5 degrees or if there will be an overnight freeze (Elevate Elevate bonding adhesive is required instead).

Step 3: As soon as the glue is evenly applied, mate your EPDM immediately, gently smoothing it back into position. Use a broom to sweep & work out any creases or wrinkles, starting at the centre.

For best results here, start gently with your brush & take care not to stretch your EPDM.

Step 4: Repeat the process for the other half. Resweep your whole roof.

Well done, you’ve successfully bonded EPDM to your roof!

If using Bonding Adhesive: If you're unable to use your Elevate deck water-based deck adhesive, due to reasons such as: Low temperature of overnight frost, or a steep roof pitch (causing some EPDM movement) - you should use Elevate Bonding Adhesive.

This can be in either spray form (750ml tin), or in a tub ready to be rolled similar to your deck adhesive.

You should follow the same steps as previously stated, with two exceptions: Bonding Adhesive needs applying to the EPDM as well as your decking, using an even coverage with no pooling.

Don't mate immediately, wait until tacky before neatly folding your EPDM back out.